Rep. Barry Moore opposes stopgap spending bill funding Biden's vaccine mandates


Date: Feb. 9, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Barry Moore (AL-02) released the following statement after voting against H.R. 6617, a continuing resolution that continues appropriations at current funding levels until March 11, 2022.

"For over four months now, the federal government has been operating through continuing resolutions because of the failure of this Democrat-led Congress to pass timely appropriations bills through regular order," said Moore. "Last night Speaker Pelosi brought forth yet another continuing resolution which not only kicks the can down the road but funds President Biden's unconstitutional COVID vaccine mandates. Meanwhile, Democrats continue to ignore the chaos at our border, fuel the inflation crisis with out-of-control spending, and write off the crime epidemic and our supply chain crisis.

"It is said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. I refuse to sit quietly while this Congress oppresses the American people with these mandates, and I cannot condone this way of doing business by voting for this CR."

Moore has spoken out repeatedly criticizing Democrats for focusing on their radical tax-and-spend agenda instead of Congress's fundamental responsibilities like funding the government responsibly through the appropriations process.
